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Your Questions Are Answered: Luxury Lighting Solutions


Discover the Nature of Dynamic, Full-Spectrum Light and Natural Lighting Solutions

Today’s home lighting is a far cry from its ancestor. Soft and bright white lights have given way to every light in the visible spectrum—millions of colors at the press of a button. Luxury lighting solutions include natural light, full-spectrum light, and lights that change for every mood and occasion.

Home lighting has become an art form, a design element that can transform your living environment in Henrico, VA. 

Here, we’ll explore some of the questions we receive about the latest lighting systems at Sound + Image. 

SEE ALSO: Your Landscape Lighting Questions Answered

What is the Best Light to Set the Mood?

There was a time when dimming lights was the best thing you could do to transform a room and change the mood. Today, dynamic, full-spectrum lights offer every color in the visible light spectrum, which adds up to millions. This light is changeable with one touch and preset scenes that align with an activity.

For instance, if you’re enjoying date night with your partner, you can press the ‘Date Night’ button on a keypad, and the lights transform. Instead of being surrounded in bright white light, you’re immersed in golden candlelight, the colors of the setting sun, or the aqua-green of a tropical sea.

This lighting system is all about personalization, creating the mood based on your preferences and internal makeup. If you add a whole-home audio system to the setup, these scenes can also enhance the mood with the ideal music streaming through in-ceiling speakers in stunning clarity.  

What is Natural Light?

Ketra’s Natural Light is a form of lighting that mimics the changing nature of sunlight. Sensors detect the color and intensity of the light outdoors and reflect that in your indoor light. It’s like bringing nature inside, minimizing the separation between electric and natural light. 

In the morning, your lights resemble the gold-blue of dawn. At the end of the day, they offer a warm, amber glow. In addition to being beautiful, this lighting system supports your well-being. 

How Does Natural Light Improve Moods and Well-Being?

As humans, we evolved out in nature, with daylight and darkness determining our actions. Our internal biological clocks grew in sync with this changing pattern, and even today, these two elements play a significant role in our health. Ultimately, they regulate the physiological processes that support our sleep-wake cycle and our vitality.

Because of our current 24/7 indoor lifestyle, our internal clocks become imbalanced. The result is sleepless nights, loss of energy, and mood swings. Natural light helps return that balance, supplying us with much-needed daylight.

Working with Sound + Image

At Sound + Image, we design, engineer, install, and program smart home technology. Concerning today’s luxury lighting, we determine your preferences and program your lighting for one-touch and voice control. From tapping a “Good Morning” button to telling your smart home, “Goodnight,” your home responds with the ideal setting. 

The outcome is an elevated lifestyle that’s hard to imagine until experienced. To learn more about luxury lighting solutions or to schedule a complimentary consultation, contact Sound + Image today.

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